Jet lag is inevitable when you're traveling long distances by plane, and it can leave you feeling completely wrecked for several days to a week after you arrive at your destination.
Want to protect your home from unlawful entry? You may not have the means to invest in an expensive alarm system, but you can definitely use cheap and practical methods around your home to deter burglars from breaking in when you're not home.
Your boss is pursing her lips and drumming her fingers on the table during your presentation. Your best friend is gazing downwards and crossing his arms when you ask him why the car you lent him for the weekend has a big dent. What could these body language signals all mean?
For a quick pick-me-up in the morning, a hot cup of coffee is usually enough to wake up even the most groggy of risers—but feeling fully awake in the morning is possible without a single drop of caffeine.
They don't refer to them as "man's best friend" for nothing. Your dog can be your best pal and least judgmental confidante, so make sure you take good care of him or her! When the occasion arises (which is hopefully never), follow the three home remedies below for treatment of fleas, bad breath, and skunk smell—you may even save a few pennies in the process.
If you like the idea of napping but have difficulty waking up after 20 minutes, drink a cup of coffee right before you lay down. As caffeine takes about 15 to 20 minutes to take physical effect, you can wake up from your nap ready to conquer the world just as the caffeine high starts kicking in.
If you are like most people, you will probably be traveling a lot over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. While holiday air travel is hardly the most fun or relaxing activity in the world, you can prepare yourself with the following tips and strategies to make long flights as bearable and comfortable as possible.
What to do when your motivation is running low and you absolutely don't want to do something that needs to get done? If nothing is working for you, hack your brain with the following techniques to motivate yourself.
Got a bad sweat stain on the underarms of your light-colored clothing? You probably have something in your kitchen or medicine cabinet that will help get rid of the stain immediately. Aspirin, table salt, lemon juice, white vinegar, baking soda, and even meat tenderizer (make sure it is unseasoned!) are some of the many common household ingredients you can use to make your sweaty clothes look brand new again.
If you ever need to get rid of static cling quickly while on the go, simply run the article of clothing through a metal hanger to dispel the static. You could also place lotion on your skin underneath the clothes you are wearing to get rid of the dryness that is causing the static cling.
Do you have trouble falling asleep? If the usual methods don't work for you anymore, like taking a warm bath or drinking warm milk, check out some of the more unconventional methods below, like drinking melatonin-rich cherry juice or listening to a sleep hypnosis video before bedtime.
Tin cans have resin linings that contain bisphenol-A (BPA), which has been linked in animal lab testings to a number of ailments that include reproductive problems, heart disease, and obesity. Tomatoes are high in acidity, which means that the content of canned tomatoes eats away at the resin lining, which causes BPA to leach into what you eat. Long story short: avoid canned tomatoes at all costs.
High blood pressure (hypertension) is a common medical condition that can eventually cause serious health problems such as heart disease, kidney failure, vision problems, stroke, heart attack, and more.
While many of us have general fears and anxieties about public speaking or sitting in a plane during a turbulent flight, having a full-blown phobia for a specific object or situation can be detrimental to your career, relationships, social life, or day-to-day well-being.
Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the United States, and how much or how little you properly consume iron on a daily basis can be the difference between feeling constantly tired or feeling like you are energized enough to seize the day.
Inflammation in your body is not a bad thing if it is localized and temporary, as it is your body's natural healing response to an injury or illness. When the inflammatory response does not turn off and becomes chronic, that is when your body's healthy cells and tissues are in danger of long-term damage.
While having multiple cable cords in your home is basically unavoidable in this day and age, having to deal with the eyesore of looking at them doesn't have to be.
Was it your New Year's resolution to quit smoking this year? Whether you are a first-time quitter or a chronic relapser, this is the year to kick this unhealthy habit for good.
Need to add more space in your small closet? For a simple organizational hack, simply connect two clothes hangers with a metal soda tab so that you can hang two articles of clothing on a closet rod slot instead of just one.
Are you dreading a big, tedious task on your to-do list? Commit to only doing 10 minutes of it or only the very first minimal step. By lowering the hurdle for getting the task started, it is very likely that once you start doing it, you won't feel so bad about getting the rest of the task completed.
Do you get tired easily in the mid-afternoon? Though it may seem tempting to get a quick fix in the form of an energy drink or a sugary snack from the vending machine, preventing an energy slump from occurring in the first place starts with a full night ofquality sleep and a healthy breakfast in the morning.
Probiotics are microorganisms in the form of bacteria or yeast that live in your gut and help your body absorb beneficial vitamins and minerals. When consumed live, they help boost your immune system and maintain your overall body health.
Now that it's easier than ever to take pictures using a digital camera or smartphone, more people should brush up on basic composition tips for taking a good photograph.
Are you bored of draping a scarf around your neck in a single loop like everybody else? Tie both ends of a long scarf to form a large loop, then loop the scarf around your neck twice to create a DIY infinity scarf.
Are your mountains of receipts, billing statements, and junk mail getting out of control? For the sake of your own sanity, and to open up more space in your home, follow the six tips below to eliminate unnecessary paper clutter and organize important documents efficiently for easy future reference.
An emotional vampire is somebody who sucks the positive energy out of your life, in turn leaving you feeling drained afterwards. They can come in the form of a family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor. Unlike real vampires who are out of sight during the daytime, emotional vampires can come into your life at any hour of the day to ruin your mood and undermine the parts of your life that make you you.
You don't have to be a body language expert to know when a person is displeased or uninterested, even if the person is smiling and nodding at everything you're saying. Subtle clues like slight downward grimaces in the lips or hunched shoulders are immediate giveaways of a person's current mood or intent.
If you wake up in the middle of the night, avoid reaching for your laptop to check emails, or your TV remote to catch a few late-night shows. Instead, keep the light in your bedroom dim and do something relaxing like de-stressing breathing exercises, meditation, light yoga, or going to another room and solving a jigsaw puzzle or listening to relaxing music.
To optimize your day, chug down 16 ounces of water first thing in the morning. Your body is already dehydrated after a full night's sleep, and studies have shown that drinking water immediately after you wake up increases your metabolism by a significant amount for the first 90 minutes of the day.
Do you experience a pang of envy when you scroll through your Facebook news feed, Instagram home, or Twitter timeline and see all your friends doing super-awesome things that you weren't a part of? If you are like most people, then the answer is probably yes.
If you know where you need to book a hotel for traveling but aren't too picky about the hotel brand or exact neighborhood, book a hotel room for a discounted rate at or Once you book the hotel, then the exact hotel name and location is revealed to you.
If you're in a social situation where you're meeting a lot of new people and you want to make the other person feel at ease, subtly mirror the other person's body language and make a point to say the other person's name.
Need to book a cheap airline ticket to go somewhere domestic? For the best deal possible, book your ticket six to seven weeks in advance of your departure date, and book your airline ticket on a Tuesday—specifically around 3 PM EST.
Are you a post-college grad trying to make new friends in the real world and having a hard time? Though it may feel like it, you are definitely not alone.
Hate paying for the check-in luggage fee while flying? Slim down your bulky suitcase to a carry-on luggage size and use the following tips below to lighten your load without lightening your wallet.
As a contact lens wearer, are you using the same contact lens case you've been using for years? Do you ever use tap water as emergency cleaning solution overnight? Do you shower or sleep in your contacts?
There are many advantages to knowing how to speak in foreign languages, whether it's for traveling, business, or simply for the pleasure of getting to know a culture that is completely different from your own.
Whether it's your credit card, your parents' new zip code, or a new work phone number, number sequences are everywhere. Sometimes it's important to actually remember them instead of always relying on a smartphone or the internet to remind you.
Studying for a big test? Rather than weighing your mind and body down with empty calories and junk food, eat smart with healthy foods that are known for decreasing your chances of developing Alzheimer's disease, keeping your neurotransmitters healthy, and increasing blood and oxygen flow to your brain.
Is your cotton tank top or beloved pair of jeans feeling a bit tighter than usual? If you need to un-shrink an article of clothing that has been left in the dryer for too long, then you can use baby shampoo, hair conditioner, or simply water to gently stretch and pull the fabric back into its original shape.
Chew on gum while you're reviewing study material, and then chew that same flavor on the day of the exam to help jog your memory. Or, if you're having difficulty understanding a concept, see if you can find that same concept explained on the internet in the form of a YouTube video or a visual infographic. Studying and memorization works best when you engage all of your senses instead of just one.
If cherry juice and curling your toes didn't help you fall asleep right away, as recommended in my previous post of 8 Weird Tips to Help You Fall Asleep, then here are some more unconventional tips and tricks you can try to help you start nodding away into dreamland ASAP.
Love them or hate them, selfies aren't going away from the internet anytime soon. Whether you want to show off your latest vacation photos or your swanky new haircut, you might as well look your most attractive and happiest if you are going to share your digital self-portrait to your online social network of friends, acquaintances, and strangers.
Want to boost your dog's immune system and skin health? Add some extra flavor to your dog's food bowl with a few pieces of cooked salmon, deboned and unseasoned, which is an excellent source of fatty omega-3 acids.
Hate germs and hate spending money on expensive hand sanitizer bottles? With a few simple ingredients and a little extra time, you can whip up your own all-natural, DIY hand sanitizer that will make your hands feel squeaky clean anytime and anywhere.
If the idea of giving a speech in front of a huge audience freaks you out, you're in good company. Approximately 75% of all people experience some degree of discomfort or fear of public speaking. Fortunately, with a lot of practice and a few mind tricks, public speaking doesn't have to be such a big, scary thing.