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Cool Uses For Ordinary Things

Illustration of various objects including a magnet, nail polish, tortilla, and other items.
Aug 24, 2017

Other than sticking your crayon drawings onto your refrigerator door, magnets have a variety of unexpected and sometimes surprisingly practical uses, ranging from keeping your chip bags sealed to crea ...

"14 Practical Uses for Nail Polish Remover That Have Nothing to Do with Removing Nail Polish" cover image
Jul 28, 2017

Acetone-based nail polish remover is great for removing nail polish, and it's also great for some DIY uses around the home. From eliminating scratches to fixing the consistency of correction fluid, it ...

"7 Unexpected Uses for Epsom Salt" cover image
Aug 16, 2016

If you've never had a reason to keep some Epsom salt in your home, I'm about to give you seven good ones, some that will surely surprise you. The magical ingredient in Epsom salt is the mineral magnes ...

Illustrations of food items, cooking ingredients, and utensils.
Apr 20, 2016

If you have ice cube trays lying around in your refrigerator and chilling your drinks with ice cubes is not a huge priority for you, you can still make use of these handy kitchen tools in a number of ...

Collage of various illustrated plants, a turtle crossed out, and abstract objects.
Apr 2, 2016

Whether or not you have a feline companion at home, a bag of cat litter makes for a handy household staple that can help prevent grease fires, add traction to slippery icy steps, remove grease spots, ...

Illustration of various everyday objects and scenarios, including clothing, power outlets, and food.
Mar 30, 2016

Don't toss out those cardboard tubes just yet. Whenever you have one leftover from a roll of paper towels, toilet paper, or wrapping paper, hang on to it, because it's got some great DIY potential. Ca ...

"9 Things You Can Throw in Your Dishwasher Besides Dishes" cover image
Mar 10, 2016

Not only does a dishwasher save you the manual labor of physically washing your dirty kitchenware, it can sterilize your make-up brushes, launder your favorite baseball cap, and even cook up your next ...

"10 Amazing Uses for Dental Floss" cover image
Mar 7, 2016

Sturdier than sewing thread and far less cumbersome than metal wire, dental floss has an amazing multitude of practical uses that can be used for baking, cooking, interior decorating, and more. The st ...

"7 Extraordinary Uses for Aluminum Foil" cover image
Mar 1, 2016

It turns out that the silver crinkly material traditionally used for wrapping leftovers and making funny hats to block out messages from extraterrestrial beings is pretty darn useful for a number of o ...

"7 Random Uses for Used Tea Bags" cover image
Feb 15, 2016

The next time you brew yourself a nice cup of hot tea, don't throw the tea bag away. Old tea bags can be used in many ways ranging from household cleanup to DIY beauty and even gardening. Other than t ...