Removing a stubborn splinter from your finger or foot is never fun, especially if it involves digging into your skin with a needle or tweezers. But if you use common household or food items around the ...
Who would have thought that dryer sheets can be a quick remedy for super-staticky flyaway hair? But it's true. It's all about the positive charges in the sheets and their ability to neutralize electro ...
There are few things peskier in the summer than an unexpected mosquito bite swelling up on your arms and legs. Fortunately, there are many ways to heal your body of its annoying itch, ranging from fru ...
If people are constantly asking you why you look so tired, then maybe it's time to get rid of the puffy dark circles under your eyes. Eye puffiness, eye bags, and dark circles have many causes: a cold ...
Ayurvedic medicine is a 5,000-year-old system of Hindu traditional medicine of Vedic tradition and is now a widespread form of alternative medicine and natural holistic healing. Ayurveda helps identif ...
Got an achy back that won't go away? Not all of us have the money to splurge on a massage therapist, but there are several DIY techniques that may help alleviate your back pain and muscle discomfort w ...
The next time you're feeling tired and stressed out, pull down on your earlobes firmly for a few seconds, or apply firm pressure to the indentation on your nose bridge between your eyebrows using your ...
Itchy bee stings, sore throats, swelling muscles, minor scraps, splinters... all of these common ailments can easily be fixed with things you've probably got lying around at home in your kitchen and b ...
Acne medication can get expensive, but there are many common household items lying around your kitchen and bathroom that are perfect to use as a facial, face wash, or on-the-spot zit treatment to decr ...