If you ever find yourself with a ring that won't come off your swollen fingers, grab some Windex, lubricate the area around your ring below your knuckle, and slowly wiggle your ring around until it slides past your knuckle.
Listen to your favorite music while washing the dishes. Get rid of old knickknacks of yesteryear so you have more clear space to truly appreciate your environment. With a little discipline and mindful planning, getting more clean and organized for 2014 shouldn't have to be such a chore.
Good posture is more important than pleasing your mother. A lifetime of bad posture basically ensures spine complications, back pain, muscle aches, and other not-so-pleasant physical health problems.
If you want to avoid catching the cold this season, act like a complete germaphobic nut and wash your hands frequently. Wear gloves to avoid directly touching frequently-touched public surfaces that may carry germs, such as doorknobs and handrails.
Whether you're moving out of your current living space or simply just want to clear up space, a garage or yard sale is a great way to make some extra cash while letting go of things you no longer need or have room for.
Is your epic snoring ruining your bed partner's sleep at night? The next time you go to bed, consider taping or sewing a tennis ball on the middle of the back of your nightgown or pajamas. Sleeping on the side instead of your back is one effective way to ensure a snore-free night.
If you don't have enough shoes to justify an over-the-door shoe organizer, you can still buy them for your home because they can pretty much organize anything that is small and can fit in a pocket.
A long summer road trip brings opportunity for adventure, but also increases the chances for minor disasters including backseats that smell like stale French fries, getting lost in unfamiliar roads, and getting unexpectedly carsick.
To decrease the possibility of breaking your glass dinner plates while moving into a new home, stack them vertically inside a box like vinyl records instead of horizontally like a stack of pancakes.
Traveling can be pretty expensive, but your meals don't have to be. Though hot dogs made in the cheap coffeemaker of your hotel room probably won't be the best dinner ever, you can bet that it'll be oodles cheaper than ordering room service or going to a fancy restaurant.
It'd be a financial burden to have to buy new shoes every time a current pair gets scuffed up, but thankfully there are some easy DIY tricks for saving us that trip to the shoe store. Scuff marks can easily be remove from shoes and sneakers using common household items found in your medicine cabinet or in your desk.
Need to remove an ink stain from your carpet, clothing, wooden furniture, or new pair of jeans? Thankfully, as with most DIY stain removal techniques, you can probably concoct your own stain-removing solution from common household items in your bathroom or kitchen. Some examples include white vinegar, corn starch, toothpaste, WD-40 spray, dishwashing soap, hair spray, and even milk. Yes, milk.
Got a dirty desktop computer or laptop screen? Mix together a solution of equal parts white vinegar and purified water and place solution in a spray bottle. Spray a clean cotton rag with the solution and gently wipe the screen for simple, streak-free cleaning. For a quick clean-up of dust particles that won't scratch the glass, use clean coffee filters or a dryer sheet.
If you are like most people, you probably have a discordant mess of cable and computer cords in your workspace or living room snaking all over the floor or against your desk. Though you can buy various cable organizers at the computer store, you can also organize them the DIY way with bread twist ties, binder clips, cardboard tubes, old credit cards, Velcro tape, or even your old hair clip.
Unfortunately, toxic and belligerent people are not as avoidable as we would like for them to be. They show up in our work place, schools, neighborhoods—sometimes even within our own circle of friends and family members. The best we can do is minimize our interactions with them and plan for exit strategies to cut the conversation short. If an interaction is avoidable because the person is your boss or family member, then arm yourself with a few verbal defense moves to keep yourself from getting...
If you are sitting in front of a computer all day for your work, make the most of it by exercising your different muscle groups even while you are finishing a PowerPoint presentation or filling out cells in an Excel worksheet.
If you're like most people, you probably waste a lot of time on the internet. Would your life be fuller, richer, and more productive if you could spend a little less time on Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, Tumblr, or whatever internet junk food you are addicted to at the moment? Probably.
So is it possible to live with only 100 things or less? Blogger David Bruno has created sort of an online meme dare called "100 thing challenge" for people to live on 100 things or less. If you Google "100 thing challenge," you can see how other people who have taken on the challenge have whittled down their personal belongings to just 100 things.
Are you an aspiring actor with a crying scene in a play? Or are you a shameless manipulator who will need some cheap sympathy from the jury during a court case? You never know when the ability to shed fake tears will come in handy.
On average, about thirty percent of working Americans have called in sick at least once just to take a day off from work. If you are in the other goody-two-shoes seventy percent of the work force who've only called in sick for actual physical illness or have never actually used a sick day, consider giving yourself a mental health day if you ever feel like you really need it.
Is your tiny city apartment or super modest house starting to feel a bit too cramped for comfort? While most of us don't have the luxury of hiring an architect to add on more kitchen space, or the money to live in a more spacious apartment, there are a number of simple things we can do with what we have to create the illusion of more indoor space within our walls.
Whether you're embarking on an epic wine tour with friends or simply want to last an entire night of socializing and drinking with important people, there are times when good alcohol tolerance comes in handy. If you're a lightweight who would probably be labeled as a "cheap date" when it comes to drinking, you can actually increase your alcohol tolerance gradually by drinking more on a regular basis. Who would have thought?
Whether you just got a brand new laptop or you've had an old notebook for several years, it's in your best interest to maximize your laptop battery life so you get the most out of your computer.
Pulling an all-nighter for school, work or an important project is never fun. That being said, if you take the time and effort to prepare an ideal work space, minimize your distractions, and stay physically and mentally stimulated, you can maximize your productivity level without making your pre-dawn tasks too miserable or exhausting.