When we are dealing with something as abstract as your thought process, visualization is the best way to improve the way you think your thoughts. So what is the easiest way to change your negative thoughts? Literally imagine flipping them around to its optimistic counterpart. It also helps to imagine them as little monsters, too.
Want to increase your creativity, attention span, intuition, self-knowledge—maybe even your sense of oneness with the universe? Start meditating on a regular basis. In addition to improving your concentration, mental health, and capacity to handle stress, regular meditation practice has also been scientifically proven to have numerous physical benefits such as lowering your blood pressure, improving your immune system, and adding more life to your years.
Feeling anxious? First things first, take a deep breath. Breathe in slowly for four counts, hold it for four counts, and exhale for four counts. Repeat several times until you feel more anchored in a calmer state of mind.
While breathing is a simple and automatic physical act we take for granted every moment of our lives, consciously breathing in a particular way for five to ten minutes can greatly reduce your stress, clear your head, and bring more energy to your body. Think of it as meditation through breathing.
Want to live your life like most high-achieving, successful people? First things first—set your morning alarm clock to at least 5 a.m. and don't be tempted to hit the snooze button.
Have you already abandoned your New Year's resolutions? Maybe you need a refresher on how to stick to your goals and avoid succumbing to your worst temptations and unproductive habits. No matter where you are in life right now, all of us can benefit from increasing our sense of willpower.
Feeling like you're trapped in a creative rut? Try painting the walls of your room blue and dimming the lights. Studies have shown that blue-colored walls and dim lighting are conducive for creating a creatively stimulating environment.
Would you exercise more if you were constantly running from zombies in a post-apocalyptic world where hundreds of people are depending on you to not get eaten? If your answer is yes, then you really need to snap out of your sedentary lifestyle ASAP and install the Zombies, Run! app on your smartphone.
If you want to keep your inner snack monster under control, sniff an apple. Studies have shown that sniffing an apple or a banana helps curve your appetite. Craving something deliciously sweet? Take a whiff of something vanilla-scented, like a vanilla-scented candle.
We've all heard that deep breathing exercises, calming music and a good night's sleep help relieve stress, but what are some other unconventional tips to help you feel more calm and relaxed during hectic times?
Do you feel like you need a confidence boost in social situations? Fake it 'til you make it—and in the meantime, try incorporating a couple of body language and posture tricks to appear confident before others. Appear verbally confident by speaking only when necessary, acting decisive, and make a point to say the other person's name.
You know that tingly spidey feeling you sometimes get urging you to make a crazy career change or warning you against trusting a smooth-talker with your money? Commonly referred to as your gut instinct, intuition or sixth sense, your ability to subconsciously know something or suspect something beyond the realm of conscious reasoning can help you in all aspects of your life, from interpersonal relationships to big life decisions.
Quitting a bad habit is not as straightforward as simply quitting cold turkey and getting it right the first time. So what to do if you really want to quit doing something that isn't good for you?
Surely, constantly forgetting what you were doing in the middle of doing something and constantly looking for your misplaced house keys is not the ideal way to spend your golden years.