Feeling the winter blues? While it is common to experience a little bit of a letdown when the daylight hours get shorter in the fall and winter months, for some people it becomes a persistent depressi ...
With the abundance of colorful fall leaves in the autumn season, it would be a shame not to do something about it before it all disappears into the dead of winter. For a super-easy crafty project, you ...
In addition to turning boring sheets of cookie dough into fun and whimsical shapes, cookie cutters can be used to make fruits, vegetables, cheeses, sandwiches, and popsicles look more interesting, to ...
Probiotics are microorganisms in the form of bacteria or yeast that live in your gut and help your body absorb beneficial vitamins and minerals. When consumed live, they help boost your immune system ...
Now that it's easier than ever to take pictures using a digital camera or smartphone, more people should brush up on basic composition tips for taking a good photograph. Some basic rules: use the rule ...
Are you bored of draping a scarf around your neck in a single loop like everybody else? Tie both ends of a long scarf to form a large loop, then loop the scarf around your neck twice to create a DIY i ...
Are your mountains of receipts, billing statements, and junk mail getting out of control? For the sake of your own sanity, and to open up more space in your home, follow the six tips below to eliminat ...
An emotional vampire is somebody who sucks the positive energy out of your life, in turn leaving you feeling drained afterwards. They can come in the form of a family member, friend, coworker, or neig ...
You don't have to be a body language expert to know when a person is displeased or uninterested, even if the person is smiling and nodding at everything you're saying. Subtle clues like slight downwar ...