The Secret Yumiverse Features
Yumi Sakugawa :: Illustrator, Artist, Visual Storyteller
yumi sakugawa :: illustrations + comics.
News: How about...
My idea for a Yumi-fied how-to guide is this: Learn to juggle. I thought for the longest time that I couldn't juggle because of some personal deficiency. That, somehow, a connection between the two halves of my brain and my hands could not be formed and I would never be able to do it. I had watched people do it, I had even bought sets of special juggling balls (regular balls sold in a nice box) but nothing seemed to work. It seemed as though the ability to juggle was a gift possessed by some,...
News: Contest idea for how to draw hands
I'd love to see a YUMI guide for how to draw hands (No matter what I try, my hands always seem to come out looking like fat sausage balloons, way too large for the body they're supposed to be attached to).