Now that the weather is colder and drier than usual, you may be using Chapstick more frequently to moisturize your dry lips. Did you know that you can also use Chapstick on dry elbows, dry cuticles, d ...
Before you rake up the maple leaves on your driveway, how about grabbing a couple of the newer ones to make yourself a maple leaf rose? Think of it as origami using real leaves. By rolling, folding an ...
Paper towels are great for absorbing your kitchen spills, but did you know that they're also perfect for cooking bacon in the microwave? Simply place bacon side-by-side on a layer of two paper towels ...
Plain yellow mustard, most commonly used for adding an extra zing of flavor to your ballpark hot dog, also contains potent medicinal properties that is perfect for relieving your sore throat, relaxing ...
Sick of using potatoes as side dishes for your dinner meal? Left in their uncooked form, raw potatoes have a variety of weirdly practical uses, from aiding you in removing a broken light bulb from its ...
Other than helping you make your morning cup of joe, coffee filters have a number of surprisingly practical uses that have nothing to do with coffee. The particular texture of coffee filter paper make ...
If you're like most people, you probably waste a lot of time on the internet. Would your life be fuller, richer, and more productive if you could spend a little less time on Facebook, Reddit, Pinteres ...
While it is common knowledge that peanut butter can help ease chewed-up gum out of your hair, what happens if you don't have any peanut butter—or you have somehow gotten gum stuck on your shoes, cloth ...
Do you drink a lot of coffee? Before you toss your used coffee grounds into the trash or compost bin, see if you can use them to deodorize your freezer, cover up your wooden furniture scratches, and h ...