If your beloved fern houseplant is looking limp, make a tonic out of 1 tablespoon castor oil, 1 tablespoon baby oil, and 4 cups lukewarm water. Feed your fern with 1 tablespoon of the tonic followed b ...
If the idea of giving a speech in front of a huge audience freaks you out, you're in good company. Approximately 75% of all people experience some degree of discomfort or fear of public speaking. Fort ...
Need to keep your beloved houseplant alive while you're on vacation? Repot the plant with a disposable diaper at the bottom of the flowerpot before covering with soil; the diaper will help retain soil ...
Makeup can get expensive, but removing it from your eyes shouldn't have to be. Thankfully, some DIY eye makeup remover probably already exists in your refrigerator, kitchen pantry, or medicine cabinet ...
Turn on the ceiling fan indoors during the cold winter season. Though it may seem counterintuitive, spinning the blades clockwise on a low setting actually recirculates warmer air trapped near the cei ...
Need to fake a few stage tears for your next starring role? Apply a thin layer of Vicks VapoRub underneath your eyes right before you go on stage to generate excess moisture that can help create faux ...
Paper shredder not working like it used to? Soak several pieces of paper in baby oil and run them through the shredder, which will help lubricate the blades and make them run smoothly for future shred ...
No matter who you are and where you are in life, remembering the names and faces of people you've just met is an important social and professional skill to have. So what are some of the best ways to r ...
Your perfect home-baked chocolate chip cookie may be thick and chewy, or crispy and thin, or something in-between. With a little cooking know-how and experimentation, you can adjust the different ingr ...