Most people know that you can add vegetable peelings and egg shells to your compost heap, but did you know that you can also add nail clippings, human hair and pet hair? In addition to organic matter ...
If you are like most people, going to a party or mixer full of complete strangers probably does not sound like your idea of a fun night. But if you arrive at the event armed with an open attitude and ...
Don't you hate it when the ice cream in your freezer loses its soft, smooth textures and has ice crystals all over its surface? Prevent this from happening by covering the ice cream in the carton with ...
Planning a BBQ this summer? While it may be tempting to buy your ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, and mayonnaise from the store, it's actually really easy to whip up your own homemade versions in you ...
To optimize your day, chug down 16 ounces of water first thing in the morning. Your body is already dehydrated after a full night's sleep, and studies have shown that drinking water immediately after ...
Contrary to its name, a permanent marker is not completely permanent if you really need to get it off a non-paper surface. For example, if you ever make the common mistake of using permanent marker on ...
Summertime is officially here, which means that the likelihood of someone leaving a glass of cold water on your wooden furniture without a coaster and leaving behind an annoying water ring mark on the ...
Are you feeling flu-like symptoms that involve fever, headache, muscle pains, vomiting, and a skin rash? Take a glass cup and press the glass surface against your skin. If the rash doesn't fade under ...
Do you experience a pang of envy when you scroll through your Facebook news feed, Instagram home, or Twitter timeline and see all your friends doing super-awesome things that you weren't a part of? If ...