Need to scrub stubborn mineral deposits from your toilet bowl or leftover food gunk from your oven rack? Use a pumice stone, which will remove hardened material from the surface without leaving behind ...
Hate the feeling of dirt beneath your fingernails after gardening? Rather than digging out the dirt afterwards, take a preventive measure by digging your fingernails into a bar of soap, which will kee ...
Are your teeth starting to look a little on the yellow side? Try rubbing apple cider vinegar directly on them before rinsing with water. It's a super quick way to whiten teeth on the spot. If the tast ...
Using a metal or silicone muffin tin, you can bake, freeze, or whip up a wide variety of snacks, appetizers, and desserts that aren't just cupcakes and muffins. They can be savory appetizers or single ...
Too much leftover red wine after a big party? Rather than forcing yourself to drink everything before the flavor goes bad or pouring it down the drain, save some for non-drinking household and beauty ...
If your beloved fern houseplant is looking limp, make a tonic out of 1 tablespoon castor oil, 1 tablespoon baby oil, and 4 cups lukewarm water. Feed your fern with 1 tablespoon of the tonic followed b ...
Need to keep your beloved houseplant alive while you're on vacation? Repot the plant with a disposable diaper at the bottom of the flowerpot before covering with soil; the diaper will help retain soil ...
Need to fake a few stage tears for your next starring role? Apply a thin layer of Vicks VapoRub underneath your eyes right before you go on stage to generate excess moisture that can help create faux ...
Paper shredder not working like it used to? Soak several pieces of paper in baby oil and run them through the shredder, which will help lubricate the blades and make them run smoothly for future shred ...