So many things can go wrong when you cook or bake for yourself. Mushy veggies, overcooked pasta, dry meat, crumbly cakes—not to mention too spicy, too acidic, and the ever-dreaded too salty. Thankful ...
Refresh your wardrobe without buying a single new article of clothing. Yep, it can be done. Because who really has the money these days to splurge on new clothes? And no, you don't have to be a DIY s ...
Never buy pasta sauce from the supermarket again. Or salad dressing. Or pie crusts, chicken stock, hummus, bread crumbs and other common cooking staples that can be easily replicated within the comfor ...
Contrary to popular belief, eliminating household pests from your home can be accomplished without completely bombing your living space with a mess of toxic fumes. Whether you have annoying fruit flie ...
Too much partying and lounging under the mid-day sun? If your attempt at a toasty caramel tan has instead resulted in a bright red sunburn, you fortunately have many common household items at your dis ...
Something in your life getting a little stinky? No worries--it happens to the best of us. Whether it is your musty bedroom, stuffy car or four-legged friend, unpleasant odors have a way of infiltratin ...
Rusty screw that won't go loose? Tiny nails fallen behind work bench? Get acquainted with nifty DIY toolbox tricks to make your home maintenance projects as smooth-sailing as possible when you are dea ...
Want to avoid getting your blood sucked by annoying little insects without breathing in toxic bug spray? Below are 5 DIY ways to create mosquito repellents with 100 percent all natural ingredients to ...