Need to heal your unsightly acne scars? For a quick and easy treatment, dab a little vitamin E gel onto affected area overnight daily until scars begin to fade. You can also use lemon juice, baking so ...
Using rose petals plucked from your own garden, a large pot with an inverted lid, and some ice, you can create your own DIY rose water which can then be used as an ingredient to make your own beauty s ...
Did you accidentally burn the edges of your freshly-baked cookies or muffins? Rather than throwing them away, salvage the good parts by using a cheese grater to shave off the burnt ends before serving ...
Though cream of tartar, also known as potassium hydrogen tartrate, is commonly used in the kitchen to stabilize egg whites when making meringues or meringue toppings, it can also be used as a DIY clea ...
If you ever want to try rebooting your car batteries before calling a towing service, make a solution out of 1 ounce of epsom salt dissolved in warm water, and apply the solution to the battery cell b ...
Paint chips, small cards that show different colors from paint manufacturers, can be picked up for free at your local hardware store to help you decide what color you want to paint your living space. ...
Did you know that one of the most germ-infested items in your home is probably your kitchen sponge? It is full of bacteria and germs that thrive in dark, moist places. To ensure that your sponge is at ...
Whether you need very temporary skin art for a costume or simply want to test-run a potential tattoo design before it gets permanent, making your own temporary tattoo only requires wax paper, a printo ...
Not to be confused with Pop Rocks, rock candy, which is large chunks of crystallized sugar, is a wonderfully simple snack in and of itself, and can be used to dissolve in tea or coffee as well as on t ...