If you've had wooden furniture in your living space for a while, chances are that you've accumulated at least a couple of nicks and scratches on the surface. Before you spend money on a professional w ...
While it is common sense to toss empty water bottles into the recycle bin, most people do not know that it is also important to remove the plastic bottle cap before recycling. Plastic bottle caps and ...
While it is convenient to buy avocados from the local supermarket, you can also start investing in the long-term goal of having free avocados coming from your own backyard by growing an avocado tree s ...
Whether you want to prevent your cat from scratching up the couch or deter stray cats from using your front yard as their personal litter box, a DIY cat repellent spray can go a long way in keeping un ...
If you ever find yourself in the unfortunate situation of dropping greasy strips of bacon onto your pants, you can remedy the oil stain right away with a paper towel and blue Dawn dishwashing soap. Af ...
Hosting your friends or traveling family members for an overnight stay may as straightforward as providing a bed or a spare couch for them to sleep on. But to be a truly hospitable host, prepare and p ...
While mold is a naturally occurring phenomenon outdoors and in nature, it can be a major health hazard and an expensive problem if it infiltrates the inside of your home. Read below for tips on preven ...
While they may make your clothes smell fresh after a cycle in the dryer, commercial dryer sheets contain many harmful and toxic chemicals that have been linked to causing cancer. Making your own reusa ...
To add a splash of unexpected color to your living space, paint the side of your door a vibrant color, or repaint an old piece of furniture to a bright new hue. Sometimes interior decorating, especial ...